Tips for Being a More Successful St. Louis Real Estate Investor

Tips for Being a More Successful St. Louis Real Estate Investor

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Many St. Louis real estate investors will suggest to you that you need to take a class or borrow books from the library and study up on the basics of real estate in order to be successful St. Louis real estate investors. Well, while that can be helpful, it’s not all there is to being successful. What will help you the most are a few traits that require no formal training. Below is a list of important St. Louis real estate investor traits that you should put into your daily routine.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Many of us were taught at a very young age that we should always be honest. Dust that thinking off, because it’s going to help your real estate business. Many think that it’s taboo to turn down a deal, or admit that they don’t know something but it can be to your advantage to say so when it is true. There is nothing wrong with turning down a deal that isn’t for you or saying, “I don’t know, but I can find out.” This will go much farther than being dishonest or taking on too much. It you show other real estate investors that you are honest and willing to learn new things they will see you as trustworthy and will want to do business with you.

Respect plays into that as well. It doesn’t matter if it’s the contractor, your agent or a lawyer you should treat everyone with the utmost respect. If you talk about someone in a negative way chances are it will get back to them and you will also look lest trustworthy, both of which can stunt your business. It only takes one person to change your business. Be mindful of your manners, don’t judge others, and try not to bad-mouth someone to the rest of the real estate community.

Be Positive

Show off your enthusiasm. If you are truly in love with what you are doing it won’t be hard for you to do. Other St. Louis real estate investors will remember the person at the investment events that was upbeat and positive much more favorably than the real estate investor that complained about lost deals the entire time. They will be much more interested in working with a real estate investor who is enthusiastic and positive about the work that he is doing, which means more business opportunities for you.

Work Hard

Be ready to work hard in this business. There will not be a foreman or boss telling you what to do and what’s next. It is up to you to know what needs to be done and what steps to take; you are responsible for the success of your company. The business will only be as strong as the work that you put into it. Even some of the best investors don’t make every deal they attempt. In fact, they typically only make one or two for every ten offers. How you handle setbacks will matter. So if you aren’t ready to get out and do the groundwork for yourself, then this business isn’t for you. When other St. Louis real estate investors see how well you roll with the punches and how hard you are willing to work they will want to work with you more.

Never Ignore a Call

You’re in business now, this means you need to be available. Ignoring calls because you don’t know something or you have bad news just prolongs the inevitable. Make the call and work with them to make the next deal. You should get into the practice of answering your phone whenever it rings. Work to make it a point to return the call, text, or email within the hour. This type of practice will leave people feeling like you really care about them and their calls, which will lead to further support of your business.

While it’s not wrong to think that you need classes or books to help you learn the lay of the land in St. Louis real estate, it’s only part of the recipe for success as a real estate investor. You’ve also got to be open to people, honest, positive, available and ready to work. With these traits you’ll be far more likely to be successful in St. Louis real estate.

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