St. Louis Home Sellers: Get the Price You Want

St. Louis Home Sellers: Get the Price You Want

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As St. Louis home sellers, you want to get the best price for your home. But overpricing your home is not the answer. In fact, it can usually lead to a lower price over all.

If you really want to get the most for your home, here are our best tips for St. Louis home sellers to consider when entering the market.

Make Improvements and Small Upgrades

As St. Louis home seller, you don’t have to put in a whole new kitchen to add value to your home. Doing so can actually cost you more money as you won’t automatically recoup that money when you sell your St. Louis home.

Instead, stick to smaller upgrades and improvements. Consider insulating your attic if you haven’t already or replace the fixtures and cabinet handles in your home. These fixes aren’t exactly stylish, but they’ll help make your home look a little newer.

Clean Up Your Yard

Maybe you don’t have a green thumb or you just don’t spend that much time outdoors, but your front lawn is the first thing buyers see when they pull up to your home. If the outside looks bad, then buyers will expect the inside to look the same. You don’t want to give them the wrong impression about your house before they even get through the front door.

Do a little yard maintenance and make it look presentable. Keep the lawn mowed to an appropriate height. Trim bushes and trees that are getting in the way. Add flowers to give your home some color and put some new mulch down in your flowerbeds. These little improvements will go a long way.

Create More Space

Okay, you can’t create new space out of thin air, but you can make it look as if your home has more space. Even if the specs of your home are small, buyers will think it feels bigger and not pay as much attention to the actual numbers on paper.

To create what buyers will perceive as more space, cut down on the amount of furniture you have or swap the big pieces out for smaller ones. If you have a large coffee table, switch it with a smaller one. This will improve the foot traffic in your home, and it’ll make the room seem larger.

If you don’t want to get rid of your furniture, consider renting a storage unit while you sell your home.

Have Your Home Professionally Staged

Your personal decor choices might not be for everyone. You want your buyers to be able to imagine their own styles and furniture in your home, so the more plain your home looks, the better.

A professional stager will help you with this. He or she will help you decide which furniture pieces to keep and which ones should go. You’ll also get help on decorating decisions and some suggestions on colors for painting your walls. When your home looks its best, it sells for the best price.

When you decided to become St. Louis home sellers, the pressure is on to make your home as “sale ready” as possible. To get the asking price you want for your home, consider implementing the above tips.

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